Archive for fish

Smokin! On my stove top.

Posted in Portland with tags , , , , , on October 18, 2009 by Donna Arriaga

A friend of mine recently left me a FB message with a tantalizing insight into his diner menu… tea-rubbed tenderloin, beer potatoes, and spinach salad.  (Thanks, Evan, for the mouth-watering visions that danced across my palate!)

Anyway, it was his tea-rubbed tenderloin that got me thinking about all the wonderful options for using tea as a flavoring agent.  Its been years since I’ve played around with tea-smoked duck.  And, since Evan’s message, I’ve had a killer craving for a tasty tea-smoked fish.  But it’s October. And, it’s Portland.  So, unless I’m prepared to crouch outside next to my portable grill with an umbrella, I’ll need a back-up plan for smoking.

Now, I could go out and spend 40 – 50 bucks on a brand new stove top smoker.  But why would I do that when I’ve already got a wok?

Jill Santopietro blogged about transforming an everyday wok into a stove top smoker.  She’s also posted a helpful video demonstrating easy to follow steps for stove top smoked ribs.

The Kitchen Butterfly blog offers Four quick facts about Tea-smoking

  1. It is a Chinese Technique, also known as wok-smoking
  2. You don’t need a BBQ…you can do it perfectly on the stove-top
  3. Traditionally, the ’smoke’ is created by mixing raw rice, sugar, Jasmine tea leaves and Star Anise and heating it up till smoking
  4. It could result in a very smoky kitchen so ensure all windows are wide open and your extractor is on!

Mmmm! Let the smoking begin!

Hungry for Fishes and Sunshine of Hawaii

Posted in Portland with tags , , , , on March 10, 2008 by Donna Arriaga

With a teasing of sunshine this morning, I almost most convinced myself that the umbrella could remain stashed away. Yes, I realize this is a near-delusional idea — at least until oh, July rolls around. I could have spent another 20-or-so minutes in front of my goLite (a necessary crutch to get through the Pacific Northwest rains), but I needed to stimulate more than just my visual perception.

I cracked open my pantry in search of flavors to stimulate thoughts of summer, and there I spotted it. A bottle of my Macadamia Nut Chili Oil that I had purchased months ago from the Dole Pineapple Plantation.

Macadamia Nut Oil infused w/ Chilies

After a trek to the Beaverton Uwajimaya and a scanning of their amazing fish counter, I came across a luscious cut of Opah. Tonight’s dinner…

Sesame Encrusted Opah with a Sauce of Sweet Soy and Ginger


  1. lightly seasoned Opah with salt and pepper, then encrusted the sides of the Opah steak in a mixture of black and toasted sesame seeds
  2. lightly drizzled Macadamia Nut Chili Oil on both sides of the steak
  3. broiled the fish for a few minutes — just long enough to gain some great coloring

Sauce of Sweet Soy and Ginger

  1. Sauteed garlic and ginger in Macadamia Nut Chili Oil and Toasted Sesame Oil
  2. Added sweet soy sauce, rice vinegar, and a bit of mirin
  3. thickened the sauce with cornstarch slurry

Mmmm. What a way to lift the spirits!